вдохновение inspiration
“Your vision will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
Вы видитне ясно только тогда, когда смотрите внутрь своего сердца. Кто смотрит вокруг- спит, кто СМОТРИТ ВНУТРЬ -пробуждается.
Carl Gustav Jung was a swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst. His work has been influential in the fields of psychiatry, anthropology, archaeology, literature, philosophy and religious studies. He created some of the best known psychological concepts, including synchronicity, archetypal phenomena, the collective unconscious, the psychological complex, and extraversion and introversion. Jung was also an artist, craftsman and builder as well as a prolific writer.
Carl Jung was of the best belief that dreams are a form of some impartial photography of unconscious life, the compensation of our rational vision of things, the voice of the ‘other’ in us. But this voice uses a language which is strange or lost to us; it is a language which is important to decipher, not because it deliberately hides something, but because it is archaic, symbolic, and visual, and since the unconscious life is not static, dreams, also, express a search motive of sorts, into the future…
“Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.” by Carl G. Jung
“Everything that irritates us about others can lead us to an understanding of ourselves.” By Carl G. Jung
“It is quite within the bounds of possibility for a man to recognize the relative evil of his nature, but it is a rare and shattering experience for him to gaze into the face of absolute evil.” By Carl G. Jung
“Человек- это животное, которое сошло с ума. Из этого безумия есть два выхода, ему необходимо снова стать животным; или же стать большим чем человек”. - Карл Густав Юнг.
-”Чем отличается гений от безумца? Безумец видит, но не знает, как это передать .А гений может это переложить на язык сознания”.
-”Одиночество обусловлено не отсутствием людей вокруг, а невозможностью говорить с людьми о том, что кажется тебе существенным, или неприемлемостью твоих воззрений для других”. - Карл Г. Юнг.
В своих работах Гурджиев пищет:-”Человек живет в субъективном мире, да ,нет-дюализм.Он живет во сне. Реальный мир скрыт от него. То что он называет “ясным сознанием“-это только сон и гораздо более опосный чем его ночной сон в постели. Например: война- миллионы спящих стараются уничтожить другие миллионы спящих. Все это сон. Два состояния: сон и бодрствование-одинаково субъективны. Только начиная вспоминать о самом себе, человек может действительно проснуться. Тогда вся жизнь вокруг него принимает другой вид и приобретает иной смысл. Он видит ее как жизнь спящих людей, жизнь во сне. Все что люди говорят и делают, они делают во сне. И ничего из этого не может иметь ни малейшей ценности. Можно прекратить войну? Несомненно, достаточно чтоб люди проснулись. Это кажется пустяком, но нет ничего труднее, потому что сон вызван и поддерживается всей окружающей жизнью, всеми условиями окружающей среды. Как избавиться от этого сна? Это самый важный вопрос жизни. Нужно вспомнить о самом себе и само желание проснуться -не достаточно.Человек не может проснуться собственными силами….. Что нужно чтоб разбудить спящего? НУЖНА ХОРОШАЯ ВСТРЯСКА. Но когда человек крепко спит, встряхнуть его один раз недостаточно. необходим долгий период непрерывной тряски. И вообще, нужен кто нибудь, кто будет трясти…. Так что человек, желающий проснуться, должен искать других, желающий проснуться, чтобы действовать вместе с ними. Эта работа должна быть организована и должна иметь главу…”
“Если мы хотим стать осознанными людьми, нам нужно научиться изменить себя,- с помощью самопознания и понимая того, каким образом мы связаны с Вселенной. Мы можем пробудиться к высшему уровню бытия- если только пожелаем измениться.” - Гурджиев Г.И.
“Энергия производимая сознательной работой, немедленно преобразуется для нового употребления, знергия производимая механически- теряется навсегда”. -Гурджеев Г.И.
“Energy produced by conscious work -quickly transforms for future use, energy produced mechanically is lost forever.”- by: Gurdjieff.
Georgre Ivanovich Gurdjieff (1866? -1949) was Russian philosopher, mystic, spiritual teacher, composer of Armenian and Greek descent, born in Alexandropol, Russian Empire ( now Armenia). Gurdjieff taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic “waking sleep”, but that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential. Gurdjieff described a method attempting to do so, calling the discipline. He said that without struggle there is no progress and no result. Every breaking of habit produces a change in the machine(human body, mind). His series of movements (sacred dances) were taught to his students as part of the work of self observation and self study, also each poster and gesture represent some cosmic truth that the informed observer could read like a book…
-”A man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to die he must first AWAKE.”- G. G.
Giordano Bruno (1548-1600)
-May be you who condemn me are in greater fear than I who an condemned.” -Giordano Bruno.
Giordano Bruno was born in 1548 in Nola, a town near Naples. In 1562 he was sent to the city of Naples to study. Despite his religious doubts, in 1565 he entered the Monastery of San Domenico Maggiore, because their powerful order offered a rare educational opportunity. While in San Domenico, Bruno read omnivorously in philosophy, theology, literature on Hermetic tradition, and was attracted to the mnemonic works of Ramon Lull. At this time his rebellious nature began to assert itself. In 1576 he was charged of heresy by the Neapolitan Inquisition, so he fled to Rome, where he was informed by Roman Holy office that one hundred thirty accusations of heresy had been drawn up against him, among them the charge that he had read several books by Erasmus. He took flight from Rome and spend brief period of time in various cities. In 1577, he moved on to Venice, where he published his first book “De segni de tempi” on the art of memory, a work now lost….
Who was Giordano Bruno ? A famous Renaissance heretic, symbol of free thinking supporter of a profound, radical renovation of the whole of humanity. In his work “De L’infinito universo et mondi” , he attacked the very foundations of Aristotle’s cosmology, he states unequivocally that the universe is infinite and that there is an infinite number of worlds. — After being tried by both the Venetian and Roman Inquisitions, he was burned alive at the stake in Campo di Fiori, Rome, on February 17, 1600. One of the greatest geniuses of all times, he was killed by the power which has dominated for two millennia, the all powerful Catholic Church. He has left a deep mark on whoever yearns for Freedom, Justice, Truth and cannot come to terms with the cruel reality of this world. Bruno was an illustrious example of the hermetic tradition that has been present on the planet since the first civilization. It goes back to ancient Egypt, Greek, mythology, sages such as Plato, Socrates, Pythagoras, Heraclitus….
-”We are imbedded into a shadowy reality, confused”. - G. B. -” Man is Divine, and time is an Illusion.”- G. B. —”Only one Sun enlightens and makes infinite worlds alive.”-G.B. (it’s a black sun in the center of the earth)
—”The language of stars is music and song.”-G.B. —”Man also has a Higher Mind.”-G.B. —”Oh Love that has mass and doesn’t make counts…” -G.B
-”Death is just a dissolving of bonds between the physical body composed of atoms and the diaphanous, substantial body, composed of true Light.- G.B.
-”We are all divine creatures, we have eternal Light Body-Higher Self. The Self doesn’t fear death, because it knows that it doesn’t exist. When we are born, we fall into the illusion of our senses; we believe what we can’t see. We just don’t realize that here we’re deaf and blind. Then we’re struck by fear and we forget that we’re divine and can change the course of events, that we can even influence the Zodiac and animal species. We’re creatures of the sun, children of that one true sun that the Egyptians recognized and worshiped, because they knew it was the source of Life. The SELF responds to truth, to awareness of that invisible essence, the soul. Suffering isn’t necessary if we understand that all we have to do produce different reaction, is to change our actions. If we want to understand, however, we must be aware and responsible for ourselves. One day there will be an end of suffering, a new era will shine forth and on Earthly Paradise will manifest on our planet. This world is ILLUSION . Death doesn’t exist. Misery, pain and its various tragedies are the result of fear and ignorance of what reality is. Humanity contains the seed of utopia which will flower when the time is ripe. The entire cosmos is watching over the Earth’s gestation….”- by Giordano Bruno.
Professor of Astrophysics Giuliana Conforto, Rome, Italy. ПРОФЕССОР АСТРОФИЗИКИ ДЖУЛИАНА КОНФОРТО(РИМ, ИТАЛИЯ).